Leader: ( 1) Row of dots used to lead the eye across a page. ( 2) A length of blank paper or magnetic tape used FOR loading purposes. 引点,(2)引纸:(2)引导视线横过纸面的小点。(2)用来引导纸卷或磁带进入机内装置的空白部份。
This was chosen as the default as it is a very common page length on line printers. 选择72作为缺省值是因为在行打印机上这是很常见的页长度。
When our page is viewed by the user, the DTML field will be replaced by the text "Arg length: 14". 当用户查看我们的页时,DTML字段将被文本“Arglength:14”代替。
You might want to specify a nondefault page size if you want a longer key length than is available for the default page size. 如果要使用比默认页大小所允许的键长更长的键,可能需要指定非默认的页大小。
This sets the page length to66 lines, so selpg will treat the input as though it is demarcated into pages of that length. 该命令将页长设置为66行,这样selpg就可以把输入当作被定界为该长度的页那样处理。
Selpg keeps track of the current page number as follows: If input is fixed-lines-per-page, it counts newlines until the page length is reached and increments a page counter. selpg通过以下方法记住当前页号:如果输入是每页行数固定的,则selpg统计新行数,直到达到页长度后增加页计数器。
More specifically, my recommendation is to develop a viable EcmaScript coding guideline internally and to consider rewriting any script that may exceed a page in length in the Java language. 更具体地说,我建议在内部开发一个可用的EcmaScript编程指导方针,并考虑重写Java语言中任何可能超过一页长度的脚本。
Typically, the chapters are half a page to two pages long, which is the perfect length for tips-oriented chapters. 通常,这些短文只有半页到两页篇幅,这对于介绍技巧的短文来说是最合适的长度。
Then check if the line count exceeds the page length. 然后检查行的总数是否超过页长。
First, lines in a book don't continue past the end of the page; they have a fixed length. 首先,书中的行不会延伸到页面外面,都有固定的长度。
The general rule of thumb with r é sum é s is to keep it to a page. Two pages should be the maximum amount of pages you should have, and it should only be that length when you're applying for very senior-level positions. 做简历的基本规则是保持在一页内,两页是最高限制了,而且也只有当你申请高级职位时才可以用。
Drag onto the page to add a hand. Drag a top or bottom selection handle to adjust length of stem. 拖到绘图页后,可以添加手。拖动顶部或底部的选择手柄可以调节杆的长度。
During some visits we may use software tools to measure and collect session information, including page response times, download errors, and length of visits to certain pages. 对于某些访问信息,我们可能会用软件工具来测量并收集课程信息,包括页面响应时间、下载错误及页面停留时间。
Be sure that you and the company are on the same page in terms of salary and length of stay before you start. 开始工作前要确认公司和你就薪酬和工作时限达成了一致。
Your term project proposal should be brief ( about one page in length) but be sufficiently specific so that the term project goals and any related issues ( such as project risks) are clearly stated. 你的学期专题题案必须简短(大约一页),但需足以清楚的说明学期专题的目标和相关的议题(例如其中的风险)。
The resume must only be one page in length. 简历只需要1页的长度足矣。
Margins can be established; page length can be defined; and many other functions that involve the manipulation of the written word can be performed. 可以建立页的边缘空白;可定义页长;其他凡涉及对字处理的功能都能够执行。
Drag onto the page to add a right angle with adjustable leg length. Right-click to show right angle box. 拖到绘图页上,可添加直角边边长可调的直角。右击可以显示直角框。
Drag onto the page, then resize lengthwise or place end to end for different length tracks. 拖到绘图页上,然后纵向调整大小,或根据不同长度轨迹采取端对端放置。
The purpose of web page design is to propaganda; when we design the page of web we should think about how to contain enough information and suitable length. 网页设计的目的是宣传,网页页面设计时应考虑包含足够多的信息和选择合适的长度。
Methods: 300 unrelated individuals in Zhuang were analyzed by PCR and PAGE following silver staining and amplified fragment length polymorphism. 方法:使用扩增片段长度多态性(Amp-Flp)和PCR结合聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电脉及银染技术,对300名广西地区壮族无关个体D1S80位点多态性分析。
This approach is not targeted at a specific page, that is to say, it does not depend on a particular web page templates, but rather on some digital information such as the characteristics of each node as well as their text length, text link rate. 该方法针对的并不是特定的网页,即它不需要依赖特定的网页模板,而是依据各节点的特征以及它们的文字长度、文字链接率等数据信息。